
How To...Fully Enjoy Your Cup

Buy whole beans. Not only will you enjoy a sensory overload, with sound, smell and taste … but your flavor profiles will be at their highest potential.

Follow the 3 COFFEE RULE: Coffee must be brewed within 3 minutes of grinding. Roasted beans are freshest within 3 weeks after roast. Green beans are good for 3 years from bagging.


How To...Cold Brew

Is cold brew, cold coffee? No, but cold brew is very easy to perfect. Even better, it doesn’t take extremely high-end beans to still taste good. We often tell people if they find themselves with a coffee they don’t like, don’t toss it, turn it into cold brew.

Here’s how: Grind your beans (or use your already ground coffee), place in a steeper or in your cold brew/tea bags (disposable or cheese cloth) and submerge in filtered water (tap water is fine, just not as clear of a taste) we often do it in a mason jar and place in your fridge for 12-hours. After 12-hours of your coffee grounds steeping in the water, remove your grounds and your cold brew is ready to pour over ice and enjoy. Try adding milk, creamer, or other coffee additives for added flavor.


How To...Select the Right Coffee Bean for You

Freshness: When you see an expiration date, ignore it. Coffee changes in chemistry but is very perishable. What you do want to pay attention to is it’s roasted date. For the fullest of flavor, try consuming coffee within 3-weeks of its roasting date.

Kind: Coffee Arabica vs. Coffee Robusta? These are the two most popular coffee species. Arabica is sweeter, softer and smoother, often higher in quality. Robusta is stronger, often harsher and oatmeal-like; but has a higher caffeine content.

Roast Level: Medium roast has body and is the most common and sought after; often most suitable roast level for Espresso. Lighter roasts have been gaining popularity with its abundance of flavours, notes, and aroma; often sought after by those using Chemex, Pour Over or Cold Brewing methods. As the coffee gets darker it loses its caffeine level, flavor and acidity.


How To...Select Your Coffee Brewing Method


Pros: Inexpensive equipment (holder, filter, receptacle for coffee to land in) and if poured correctly, circular and evenly over your ground coffee beans, will result consistently strong, robust flavor.

Cons: Requires more time and access to a pot or kettle to boil water.


Pros: Singular and compact size equipment with the coffee brewing all happening within the press resulting in rich, flavorful coffee. A fine coffee ground will provide optimum flavor.

Cons: Requires more time and access to a pot or kettle to boil water. Often requires some trial and error learning how much grounds to water ratio to reach your desired brew.


Pros: No equipment needed. Simply grind fine-ground coffee, place it in a teabag, and submerge in cold water and add to the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. Serve over ice. No more waiting on hot brew on your rushed mornings. This is an easy way to use non-fresh or bitter coffee you don’t prefer traditionally brewed.

Cons: Brew process takes a minimum of 10 hours, so no instant gratification. Won’t keep you warm on a blustery winter day.


Pros: Your quick and easy fix. Set it and forget it, most coffee makers will keep your coffee warm and ready for consumption for hours.

Cons: Limited in its ability to brew exceptional coffee, your drip coffee maker won’t make you the World’s greatest cup, but acceptable for a quick daily pick me up.


Pros: Espresso machines took what we love about a French press and made it even better. With practice (a lot of practice) you can have exceptional coffee at home by utilizing high pressure and steam to extract fine grounds while leaving any bitterness behind.

Cons: Expensive equipment, steep learning curve and more time than traditional methods.


Pros: Fabulous coffee without the expense of an espresso machine. Coffee from your moka pot will be more concentrated and richer in flavor than a drip coffee but less than your espresso.

Cons: Coffee product doesn’t extract out bitterness like espresso machines do and without proper practice you can find yourself over-extracting resulting in a bitter brew. Pot needs cleaned often for optimal flavor.


Pros: Exceptional balanced flavor and vibrant taste with no trace of grounds, a very clean finish. Siphon brewing enhances the coffee aroma far surpassing other brewing methods.

Cons: Expensive, delicate equipment that his hard to clean and store. Not a start it and leave it brewing process.